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What is the Best Cell Phone ?

5322 day(s) ago

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I think that people decide to buy cell phones from previous experiences.
For example, I would say the best cell phone is iPhone from Apple, but that's because I use it and it has worked perfectly so far for me and I wouldn't change it for nothing.
I hope I can help you with this, but I saw a website that ranks all sorts of things from phones to TV's and I'll give you a link if you want to look at it. It was quite helpful for me...
Here's the link:

Posted 4374 day ago

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From all Cellphone reviews i vote for Samsung cell phones.
<a href="">Cellphone reviews</a>

Posted 4468 day ago

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Sony Erickson is best cell phone. I like only because of their music sounds and clarity of picture.

Posted 5178 day ago

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nokia is the best cellphone.
i also used Nokia. N series is best.

Posted 5187 day ago

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To answer the question, "what is the best cell phone" is like asking "who is the most beautiful woman" or "what is the best dessert". Its all in the eye of the beholder, but there are a few common denominators we all want from our cell phones. First of all, the price point must be affordable and the features must give us our money's worth. So let's throw out the stripped down super budget models and the high-end phones with all the bells and whistles.

One of the best cell phones that delivers the latest features, without breaking the bank, is the Samsung Instinct, priced below $250. This model comes with some added savings through the $100 rebate program, and delivers enough multi-media functions to keep you busy for the day.

The Samsung Instinct comes with a decent HD camera and delivers a sharp video quality. In addition, Samsung Instinct users have a calling time of up to 348 minutes and this unit comes with the Sprint Everything plan. With the Sprint program, the key word here is "unlimited" for just 99 bucks. Unlimited talk, text, GPS navigation, emails, picture and video messaging, 150 radio stations and more.

Sure, you might like another cell phone crowned "best cell on the market", but for the cell phone shopper that needs a little advise and steering in the right direction to make a decision, the Samsung Instinct is a good place to start.

Posted 5322 day ago

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