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Is normal or healthy that a teenage girl has loved the same guy for over 7 years?

Actually she is not with him. He has another girlfriend.

4855 day(s) ago

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Maybe it's just sexual attraction common in puberty.And it is not called love.
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Posted 4138 day ago

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Has the teenage girl acted on her feelings? in anycase it's normal to like someone and for the feelings not to change for a long time.

Posted 4542 day ago

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This is one of the dumbest fucking things i have ever read, honestly, 7 years? what, was she 8 when she started "loving him"? You fucking fail, learn how the real world works you dumb bitch!

Posted 4794 day ago

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The person who answered by saying there are other great people, etc. etc. etc. has most likely never been in your situation. You can't just stop liking someone you've longed for. You've liked this guy for a long time and until someone better than him captivates you, you will probably always like him. Even if you went out with other people, as that person suggested, you would probably find yourself at night still longing for the other man. This phenomenon is seen in books and movies time and time again. The Great Gatsby is a fine example.

Posted 4834 day ago

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To answer your question bluntly, no, it is neither normal nor healthy for a teenage girl to “love” the same guy for over 7 years. I put love in quotation marks for one simple logical reason. For a teenage girl to have had feelings for a guy for over 7 years would mean that even if she were 19 years old, the feelings would have had to have developed when she was 11. Any girl 11 years old or younger is incapable of healthy, romantically-inclined love. The girl may think she is in love, but she is much too young to even understand what love is, what love means, and what love entails. The more proper way to ask the question would be to ask if it is normal or healthy to have a crush on a guy for so long. However, even if you ask the question that way, the answer is still no.

Your teenage years are meant to be years of fun, enjoyment, and learning. It is a time when you get to discover who you really are. If you have a crush on the same guy all through your teenage years, you could be missing out on opportunities to meet some other really nice guys. You could even be meeting guys who like you, too. Now, perhaps there are exceptions in some cases. Many teenage couples stay together all through high school. As a side note, the relationship usually doesn’t last much longer after the summer of graduation. What makes your case not one of these exceptions is the fact that you are not a couple and he has another girlfriend. This makes the situation especially unhealthy because it means you have either never talked to the guy in an attempt to see if there is a spark, or you tried but he didn’t go for it. If I were you, I would either talk to him or forget him. There are so many cute and good guys in the world, it doesn’t make sense to focus all your energy on one that doesn’t seem to like you.

Posted 4854 day ago

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