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has anyone every seen a werewolf?

I need to know for a project so help kay:)

5070 day(s) ago

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Once when I was little.
I was playing hide and seek with my friends at around midnight, just outside my house. We had been playing for a bit. I was hiding behind a car just a cross the street, and my friends couldn't find me, so they yelled ollie-ollie-oxen-free. So I stood up. I had pretty long hair when I was a kid and I went to flick it out of my face.
I look to my left out of coincidence, and I see a black shadow standing a ways away, and I tried to figure out what it was so I looked at it for a few seconds.
It was just standing maybe 20 feet from the woods separating my apartment complex and the one on the other side.
I had seen a coyote before and it did look like one but I could tell it wasn't. It was hunched over sniffing the ground or something with it's front feet just in the air, it's human like torso was arched forward and it's feet elongated, with frayed shaggy fur, and it had a large canine like head and pointed ears.
Between the fear and the concentration it was taking to see the thing in the pick darkness I was frozen solid. I knew if I screamed it'd notice me, and if I ran it could catch me. So I stood there scared , waiting for the thing to move on, for what seemed like hours.
When I heard my fiends yell my name, I shook as the thing looked towards me, and I began backing away. My friends called again and I looked toward them. They said for me to hurry. When I looked back it was gone.

Posted 4883 day ago

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The question of whether anyone has seen a werewolf is a good one, but is rather complex because it ties in to the question of if werewolves are real or not. While many people have claimed to a witness to a werewolf changing form or a werewolf attack, all of these claims have one important feature in common – they are all without any form of substantial evidence supporting the claim. Without any evidence, all of the reports from people claiming to have witnessed a werewolf cannot be proven.

People who believe in werewolves tend to believe most of the reports of people claiming to have witnessed them. Many of these believers are willing to overlook the lack of evidence. Some discerning werewolf believers will look at subjective clues and may ask a lot of questions to try to trip someone up in exposing their lie. If they seem sincere and they can’t find any holes in their story, it may be acceptable to them and be taken as authentic.

Scientists and those who do not believe in werewolves have stricter standards when it comes to these stories. As a rule, scientists don’t believe anything without any physical evidence. In support of this stance, one has to admit that it is rather strange that in all of the reports of werewolf sightings, no physical evidence is left behind. Any hair, blood, or skin of a werewolf, if obtained, would be able be DNA tested, but no testing has ever supported a claim. Also, it is very peculiar that no one has taken a picture or filmed any video of a werewolf. In this day and age, almost everyone is carrying around a camera or video camera in their phone.

The first reports of werewolves go as far back as ancient Greece. The ancient Greeks called werewolves lycanthropes, from their word for wolf, lukos, and their word for man, anthropos. Most stories claim that lycanthropes were once regular people who became afflicted with a disease. The disease was named lycanthropy. Many stories exist of lycanthropes being cured. The earliest cures were accomplished by exhausting the lycanthropes with physical activity. Later, medical procedures using an herb known as wolfsbane were said to be used. In some cases, Christian exorcisms could accomplish the task.

Stories of werewolves were passed through every culture in Europe and later in the America. The history of werewolf stories in Asia is relatively recent.

So, the answer to your question is that no one knows if anyone has ever seen a werewolf. As to their existence, all that can be said is that it is strange no evidence except for unverified stories exist after thousands of years of reports.

Posted 5055 day ago

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