Really tall old people exist and there’s no incredibly strange reason why you don’t see them that often. The fact of the matter is that it is simply due to numbers. The numbers combine with the fact that younger people are more in the spotlight than older people. For instance, we can see really tall young to middle-aged men simply by turning the TV to a basketball game. There are few, if any, basketball games played by old people, and, if there are, they aren’t nationally televised. Old people tend to stay indoors more than young people. Also, many old people have problems walking and you tend to see old people in sitting positions more often than standing positions.
Freakishly, Guinness Book and circus, tall people are usually tall because they have a medical problem. The same condition that made them freakishly tall causes complications that often end their lives early. In many cases, their bones degenerate and cause problems with their immune system. I can assure you, however, that tall people do exist, but just as all other groups of people, their numbers thin out the older they get. According to a report by the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics from 1994, only 2.1% of American males in their 20s were over 6’ 3”. The percentage of American males in their 30s was 1.9%. For men in their 40s the percent jumps to 2.8%, but then drops back down for men in their 50s to 1.8%. For the following ages, the numbers dramatically decrease to .5% in their 60s, .1% in their 70s, and .2% of men 80 or older. So, while tall people are not as common when they are older, they are still here.
Posted 5445 day ago