Yes, it is quite possible to die from eating feces, but it doesn’t mean you will. It is also quite possible to die from eating raw seafood, but it rarely happens. It all depends on what bacteria are active in the substance and for how long. The chance that harmful bacteria are present is greatly increased when the substance is feces.
It is not unknown for animals to eat their own feces. Dogs do it all the time and they usually don’t get sick. Dogs have pretty strong immune systems though. It is also not unknown for people to eat their own or others’ feces. Eating feces even has its own scientific name – coprophagia. Another practice with its own scientific term is closely related. Coprophilia is achieving sexual excitement from eating, or otherwise interacting with, feces.
The harmful bacteria that can be in feces are E. coli, salmonella, campylobacter, and shigella. At minimum, if you eat anything contaminated by these bacteria, you will get sick and suffer from stomach/abdominal pain, cramping, and diarrhea. Worse cases of “food” poisoning will cause fever, nausea, and vomiting. The most severe cases can cause death, but, truthfully, death is a rare occurrence from eating feces. In addition to bacteria, several other harmful pathogens can commonly be found in feces. The hepatitis virus is known to live in feces and can be contracted through eating it. Feces also commonly contains parasites such as amoebas and worms.
So, while eating feces is definitely bad for your health, and not recommended, you will probably not die from it. You will, however, probably get sick.
Posted 5449 day ago