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Do some people have a double conciousness. That is, thinking in two levels or "layers" at the same time?

Do some people have a double conciousness. That is, thinking in two levels or "layers" at the same time? This is really abstract. Its kind of like rewiewing your own thought/idea/prefrence/opinion at the same time as that thought is being thought.. Or having two frequenses play at the same time, they dont even have to be related.
Is this scitzophrenia or some kind of superhuman thing? The more "super" you are, the more frequenses you can posess.. Like juggeling several balls at the same time. One would have Einstein juggeling like 5 balls in this metaphore. Get my drift?

4714 day(s) ago

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I get your drift. I know exactly what you are referring to because i have a double consciousness. You are correct in saying when you said "Its kind of like rewiewing your own thought/idea/prefrence/opinion at the same time as that thought is being thought...". I have this effect going on right now. I have a friend who also has this and he answers any question within seconds, easy or hard. I'm not sure whether what I'm about to say is for everyone for a double conscience but i am always very sensitive to movement behind me. For example, today a friend tried to throw a punch at the back of my head and i felt his fist behind me and ducked down, grabbing his wrist above my head. I seem to surprise a lot of people with this. You might be able to gain a slight double conscience at night. Here is how. 1. Make sure it is night. 2. Wait till everybody in your house is asleep. 3. Lay down on your bed. 4. Make sure you are looking at the ceiling, with your back against the mattress. 5. Start slowly thinking of an abnormal subject or question. 6. Say this question to yourself quietly. 7. Repeat steps 5-6 until your brain feels tensed. 8. Now answer the question as quickly as you can. 9. Repeat every night. Decreasing the amount of times you say a question, speeding up the question thought. 10. Within 2 Months, you should be able to think a thought and review and answer the thought within seconds.

Posted 4698 day ago

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