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I am feeling weak, and unreal.

I cant stand up or I get sick, I keep getting panic attacks, I wake up with bruises and scratches, I wake up suffocated, I keep getting thoughts about death, I twitch, I never get dreams, I am never hungry, I feel like everyone's out to get me, I get cold chills, I faint more often, I can't even hang around my friends anymore
I always think they will stab me in the back. Nothing is really anymore, I am in a nightmare surrounded by the loved, yet I feel like the unloved.

This is a blurry vision… help me?

4542 day(s) ago

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Posted 4362 day ago

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What you're experiencing is more common than you think. It sounds like a typical case of anxiety disorder. I bet it even gets worse at night, doesn't it? I have suffered from anxiety disorder since I was a kid. Now I am 32. It is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I wish the best for you.

Posted 4511 day ago

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I am only 12, but I have been through everything you have.. I've been like this since I was 9, and when you think about how 'god' was made it makes it worse, you scream, pull out your hair, it's just a big blurry vision, until reality comes back and bites you in the ass, but during the middle of the panic attack you do many things, most of them you'll regret. Like once I got up in the middle of math and screamed 'OMG, I FEEL UNREAL! HELP ME!' I've been in a mental hospital twice, the first time was in 2010, because I always felt like I was 'choking' when I wasn't, the second was because of that damn 'unreality' feeling.

Posted 4523 day ago

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