Open Questions
Am I a Werewolf? :o
Okay so here's why I might be a werewolf
1.) I ABSOLUTELY LOVE WALKS… I'm on the track team and really good at it, I am very fast and athletic
2.) I love dog treats!! I know, it's so embarrassing but I sit outside with my dog eating them, and they are soooo good
3.) I am a night person, if I sleep before the moon comes I believe that is against my nature
4.) I loooove canines, my dogs always follow me, I talk to them and they listen, they are like my buddies, they respond back EX: if I say " My friends mother died", he/she would put her nuzzle on my knee and whimper happens all the time!
5.) I'm really smart, and obey everyone I am very friendly, everyone thinks I'm cute an beautiful
6.) Whoever is tallest, biggest, or strongest male I obey as if alpha male
7.) I help my mom cook, and my dad/family hunt, I AM VERY GOOD at hunting and catching
8.) I look out for friends and family
9.) I prefer warm temperatures (a little on the cold side) and heavily forested areas
10.) I have sharp teeth, tall, and bluish white eyes, pointy ears (but not like elf ears) and I have a craving for meat
11.) I can be pushy, if I don't get what I NEED I push my parents and whine
12.) I cant sleep with a blanket over me, it feels like somethings smothering me, it has to be uneven, I LOVE TO STACK BLANKETS ON MY BED AND SLEEP ON TOP
13.) I'm very smart
14.) I have sensitive eyes, nose, and a very distinctive taste
15.) I throw up if I eat chocolate, and flighty allergic if eaten
16.) I can move my ears, and twitch my nose
17.) I do not believe in god, I believe in spirits
4751 day(s) ago
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