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What's that type of anger called?

What is that type of anger called where instead of showing aggression and being loud, rude, and obnoxious all the time, the person is actually really nice and calm and polite and considerate to other people. and they do it because they are so overly angry for whatever reason that its like their anger bone broke and they cant express it anymore. but may still snap every once in awhile but instantly become docile again within a few seconds? i know it exists because ive heard of it, but i cant remember what its called. I think i have that disorder or whatever you want to call it. how can i get help for it?

4591 day(s) ago

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It is called passive aggression
check online for info on this personality trait as well as borderline personality disorder
I say RUN !!!! (as fast as you can)

Posted 4579 day ago

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